FTA Compliance
Title VI
Title VI is a section of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 requiring that “No person in the United States shall on the grounds of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.”
If you believe that you have received discriminatory treatment by Paratransit, Inc., on the basis of your race, color or national origin, you have the right to file a complaint with the Paratransit, Inc., Title VI Coordinator. For more information, call (916) 429-2009.
Titulo VI
Título VI es una sección de la ley de derechos civiles de 1964 que requieren que “ninguna persona en los Estados Unidos será por motivos de raza, color u origen nacional, excluida de la participación en, negarán los beneficios de o someterse a discriminar bajo cualquier programa o actividad que reciba asistencia financiera federal.”
Si usted cree que ha recibido un trato discriminatorio por Paratransit, Inc., en base a su raza, color u origen nacional, usted tiene el derecho de presentar una queja con el Coordinador de Paratransit, Inc. , título VI. Para obtener más información, llame al (916) 429-2009.
Policy on Nondiscrimination and ADA Notice
A high priority of the Board of Directors of Paratransit, Inc., is to ensure all of its programs, including its federally funded programs and activities, are administered and provided free of discrimination to all employees, job applicants, and program participants and applicants.
Paratransit, Inc. does not discriminate against any person because of sex, age, race, creed, color, disability, sexual orientation, religion, national origin, political affiliation or belief, or heritage. Furthermore, the Board specifically prohibits all forms of sexual and other unlawful harassment within Paratransit, Inc., and all federally funded programs it administers.
Any staff member, participant, or applicant to a federally funded program who feels he or she has been discriminated against, may contact Paratransit’s Equal Employment Opportunity Officer, Chris Brown. Her telephone number is (916) 429-2009, extension 7384. Access is also available via TDD at (916) 429-2568, FAX at (916) 429-2409, or in writing at 2501 Florin Road Sacramento, CA 95822.
Information about the rights and responsibilities provided here may be provided by Ms. Brown or obtained from the Office on the Americans with Disabilities Act, Civil Rights Division, U.S. Department of Justice, Washington, DC 20035-6118, or by calling (202) 514-0301, or TDD (202) 514-0381.
Paratransit, Inc. is committed to providing safe, reliable, efficient, accessible and user-friendly services to its customers. To ensure equality and fairness, Paratransit is committed to making reasonable modifications to its policies, practices, and procedures to avoid discrimination and ensure programs and services are accessible to individuals with disabilities. Requests for Reasonable Modification may be submitted by email to our customer service department at cs@paratransit.org, written mail to 2501 Florin Road, Sacramento, CA 95822 or by phone at (916) 429-2009. All requests for Reasonable Modification should be addressed to the attention of the Chief Operating Officer.
Downloadable Compliance Forms
FTA Civil Rights Assurance
Title VI Triennial Plan
Title VI Implementation Procedure – English
Title VI Implementation – Spanish
Title VI Complaint Form – English
Title VI Complaint Form – Spanish
Policy On Non Discrimination – English
Policy On Non Discrimination – Spanish